Friday, 27 April 2012

Differences between guys and girls

Salam and greetings to all...=)

In this post, I don't have any intention to tell my story life with u..I just wanna share something about the differences between guys and girl..they are so many cons between guys and girls behavior..I think all person should know this in order to make you interact and communicate easily with public..

well, take a look at this picture;

the differences between guys and girls I told you before, guys and girls really have a lot of cons..except for the last fact that when a guy and girl are in love and they say I love you, they truly means it..ahha! so, do you in love?? you better admit it n tell that person..haha..

okay, enough for this post..wait for my next post and make sure you read the way, before I stop writing, I want to tell you that I really hope that my blog will have a lot of followers..what can I do?? I just have 24 followers..ouhhh, that's so sad..hukhuk..=(
well then, see you until the next post..bye..wassalam..=D

My New Obsess

Assalamualaikum and greetings to all..=)

Okay..praise to Allah who gives His bless to me..because of His blessings, I can continue live in great health and very happy with my family..and also I have my mood to write a post in this blog..hahah! 

Ok,firstly..what is the main factor that encourage me to write in English?? I not really love English subject when in school..but I still hope that I can maintain my English to enable me to get an A for this subject..and finally, I got A in SPM..heheh..I'm very thankful to Allah and my teacher who teach my friends and I with patience and she always try to do many interactive activity in our class in order to increase our knowledge in English..thanks to Pn. Fazilah..=)
Another factor that force me to write in English is my sister loves English subject, sometimes I need to communicate with her in English..and my parent do encourage us to communicate in English with, we can improve our English a supportive parent?? heheh..
Besides, I want to improve my English, I think that I need to upgrade my writing skill, read English novel and I always read many types of blog from other those method, I guarantee that I can have a better English skill..heee..

Okay..back to my main topic..I want to share to all of you about my new obsess..hehe
I do love to play The Sims Social game from a famous social network, facebook..I share my interest with my cousin, Dila who introduce this game to me..and because of that, I'm addicted to this game..but, for sure, I cannot beat her score in this game..her house value is up to 700K!! While my house value is just about 300K..hahah!

loading page of The Sims Social
my house
dila's house

Dila and I have a crazy obsess to this game..we always chat about this game and sometime she logged in to my facebook account to play for my sims when my internet line is having trouble..Dila ask me to click 'like' to many pages that relate to this game such as The Sims Social Malaysia and The Sims Social House..The Sims Social Malaysia offers many type of freebies that are very important to us is order to increase our coins called simoleons, our cash called sim cash and also our social points shaped like a diamond..The Sims Social House shows many type of beautiful decorated house for this game and also shows many idea to decorate our house to make them pretty..
Currently, Dila invited me in 'Otai-otai The Sims Social', I know many people who addicted to this game..I've been added by many people and invited to be their neighbor in this this way, I can complete many task from the game easily by sending many game request to them and also by accepting their game request..

Another obsess of mine is I like to communicate with my friends by using free application in my phone such as Whatsapp and Viber..whatsapp allow me to chat with my friends without any payment..we can also attach pictures in this application..while viber allow me to chat and call my friends..these application use internet connection to be function..well, why pay more if we can choose for free?? haha..

Okay,enough 'potpet' in this post..wait for my next post and make sure you read it..bye..wassalam..=D

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

March with sadness..=(

Salam and greetings to all...=)

A new post for April..yeeehuuu! hahah..i'm back to my normal life after a suffer life in March..never thought that I'd live in sadness, fear and moody..wahhh..what happen to me?? haa?? It's all about men! I hate it! Habis semua kawan2 lelaki kena marah dgn Gee yg tiba2 baran ni..kat rumah moody semedang..berkurung je dlm bilik..mak abah pun pelik tengok perangai anak diorang ni..selalu happy je, tiba2 jadi camni..byk masalah ke?? the answer is YES!! 

Maybe cuma beberapa org je yg tahu Gee couple dgn someone korang jgn nak pelik sgt la sebab bercouple dgn die just tahan 2 bulan n 8 hari..hahah! Sebab kitorang putus?? Tak payah la aku cerita sebab aku malas nak story byk2 kat sini..aku just nak story masalah yg timbul lepas kitorang putus..before that, utk '"Dia" : awak, kalau awak tengah baca post ni, tak payah nak risau ke, terasa ke apa sebab org kat sini tak kenal pun awak siapa..ok??
Ha..kita continue dgn masalah yg timbul ni..Gee try utk be friend with die cam susah nak terima..well, tu Gee susah la nak pujuk..hari2, Gee biar jela..maybe da takde harapan nak berbaik kot..then, beberapa hari lepas tu, die contact semula and mintak maaf dgn semua perbuatan die..masa tu Gee marah die habis2 and ungkit semua kesalahan die..haaa, puas hati la gak masa tu..sebab Gee lama da tahan bengang dgn die tak marah Gee balik pun..and die mengaku kesalahan die..Gee marah tu lama la gak..ade la dlm berhari-hari tu,semua benda Gee nak ungkit..heheh..sorry..tapi sekarang da ok..and we're friends! I'm not ready yet to be with U again..tunggu la masa yg sesuai..lau ada jodoh kita,ade la lebih suka single camni..=)

Then, ada lagi sorang kawan nih..yes, die lelaki..tak tahu la apa masalah die sampai gf die call Gee..hmm..yg ni tak nak cerita lebih2..just nak puji that girl sebab jujur and terus terang..actually Gee bukan first time kena camni dgn gf org ye..tapi semua nak marah2..macam la org hadap sgt nak ngurat bf die tu..tak hingin pun girl yg ni tak marah pun..die cakap apa yg die rasa and ape yg die nak Gee buat..ha,kan senang camtu..and last,die minta, takde la panas hati kan kalau da kena marah pun? Senang cerita, Gee suka la dgn cara die tu..pandai kawal to you kalau awak tengah baca post ni..=)

Ni pulak pasal kawan Gee..lelaki gak..haha..Gee ada la cerita kat die apa yg Gee tak suka kalau lelaki contact Gee..contoh, Gee tak suka lelaki cakap2 benda2 yg bukan2 dgn Gee, yg kotor2 tu..memang tak suka sgt2! Bila die tahu, die pulak buat camtu..ade ke patut??! mula2 Gee ok la sebab Gee tahu die makin lama makin pelik pulak..hari2 nak cakap pasal benda,Gee pun nak angin la..grrr!! Gee marah die..marah dgn kasar..takde tolak ansur..sampai die and Gee speechless..kitorang ni BFF, tp gaduh sebab Gee tak boleh terima gurauan die tu..yela, gurauan die tu melampau sgt..berhari-hari kitorang tak contact sampai die mintak maaf n tanya nape Gee marah,benda ni da settle da pun..n kitorang contact cam more kotor2 ni..hahah

Tapi ade gak yg Gee marah sorang kawan ni tanpa reason yg kuat..haha..kiranya salah Gee gak la..alasan Gee: die membuang masa and kredit die sebab call Gee just utk cerita pasal tension die kat gf and ex die..boy ni call Gee hampir setiap hari..tapi lebih byk luahkan tension die tu..bila Gee bagi idea or pendapat,die taknak pun,sampai bila pun tak settle masalah die tu..tu yg Gee angin sgt tu..jadi, bila die contact Gee,Gee saje je cari pasal..malas nak layan,start marah2..dgn cara tu,die kurang la contact last2 rasa bersalah pulak bila da buat org camtu..haha..apa salahnya kalau Gee dengar masalah die kan? Kalau Gee tak suka,kan boleh bagitahu direct kat die..tak payah nak marah2..
Then,Gee terus terang kat die..mula2 die marah la gak sebab Gee tak pernah beritahu die pasal ni..byk kali minta maaf kat die..last2 die boleh terima..hehe..kitorang pun ok cam dulu balik..and die pun da cakap die takkan cerita tentang gf or ex die lau Gee tak suka..haaa,settle da masalah..ape pun, kita kena terus terang je..tak payah simpan sorang2..ape la..

Tu antaranya la yg buat Gee moody je selama 2,3 minggu..haha..sia-sia je moody2 ni..nak happy je camni..kan best..utk semua yg pernah kena marah tu,sorry..hehe..memang kerja aku marah je kalau lelaki contact aku..ngokngek I'm okay now..pengajarannya,kalau ada masalah,kena direct kat org tu..takde la die tertanya-tanya kenapa perangai kita berubah, kan? lagi 1, kena fikir jalan yg terbaik utk settle masalah..yg Gee selalu buat ni salah sebab Gee suka simpan then,lupakan je masalah tu..tapi masalah tu tak settle pun, it keep running through my head without any solution..sebab kadang2 kita akan ungkit balik semua hal tu..but, for now, goodbye moody and welcome happy! hehe

That's all,wassalam..